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Nia Ali

Posted on October 7, 2019

Weekly Update – Week of October 7, 2019

Baseball/ Basketball/ Football/ Golf/ Olympic Sports/ Weekly Update

All 4 major sports are in season – you have to love October!

Baseball – MLB: Playoffs begin. Wild Wild Card games.

Basketball – NBA: Preseason. China chatter.

Football – College: 6 losses in the top 25 and UCF drops of the rankings. SMU wins in 3OT. Oregon RB tackles fan on the field to huge cheers.

Football – NFL: Brady #3 all-time in passing yrds. Redskins fire HC. Che ifs lose. Rudolph concussed so Steelers turn to 3rd string.

Golf: Na wins the Shriners.

Olympic Sports: Track Worlds and the drama that comes with it. Gym Worlds. Biles’ new move.

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